Evaluation of Irish Aid’s Humanitarian Programme Plan (HPP)
In 2021, KAC conducted the evaluation of Irish Aid’s Humanitarian Programme Plan (HPP) in four countries: Burundi, DRC, Myanmar and South Sudan. The programme sought to provide emergency response through food and NFI distributions, as well as livelihood support. It then aimed at reducing violence, including gender-based violence, in communities and increase their social cohesion. Its third objective was to increase communities’ resilience to shocks through collective action. The evaluation followed a qualitative approach through a thorough desk review of project documentation for each country, a primary data collection both remote (key informant interviews with project staff) and in-person (Focus Groups Discussions with communities and interviews with local authorities and some project staff). Four country reports were drafted, and a consolidated report provided a global analysis of the Programme.
Irish Aid
Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar, South Sudan