Evaluation of UNHCR’s Level 3 Regional Refugee Emergency Response to the crisis in Ukraine
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Evaluation Office commissioned Key Aid Consulting to carry out a centralized evaluation of UNHCR Level 3 (L3) Regional Refugee Response to the crisis in Ukraine, the largest UNHCR response in recent history.
The evaluation used a mixed-method approach, relying on both secondary and primary data sources. The evaluation design was non-experimental and used a case study design. The evaluation team formed their judgment using various sources of primary and secondary data including a document review, 200 key informant interviews with UNHCR staff, implementing partners, government representatives and sector members, 52 focus group discussions, and surveys with 1500 Ukrainian refugees and external stakeholders.
The report concludes on UNHCR capacity to deliver and steer a timely, efficient and at scale regional response as well as thematic and geographical prioritisation. The evaluation draws lessons learned on partnership with governments and with the private sectors as key success factors and provide recommendations going forward and for other rapid onset large scale response.