Evidence and practice review of the use of cash transfers in contexts of acute food insecurity

Cash & Market

The Global Food Security Cluster (gFSC) commissioned an operational research to explore the untapped and/or underused potential of cash transfers, and strengthen evidence of the use of cash transfers for food security outcomes in contexts of acute food insecurity (IPC/Cadre Harmonisé (CH) Phase 3-5, or CARI moderate or severe (3 or 4)). The research used Nigeria, Somalia and Syria as examples. The research looked at the role of government and donors, and identified enablers and inhibitors behind the decision to use cash instead of other modalities of assistance. The methodology was qualitative relying on an iterative desk review and key informant interviews with experts across the three countries explored. The findings were presented in a virtual workshop with over 170 participants from across the globe.


The Global Food Security Cluster (gFSC)


Nigeria, Somalia, Syria

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