What we are good at
Our thematic areas of expertise
Cash & Market
As evidence around cash and markets in emergency and advocacy efforts on their value and relevance grows in the international humanitarian landscape, with the commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit and at the Grand Bargain; we provide support, innovative solutions and experience to organizations and individuals.
As member of the Cash and Learning Partnership; of their Technical Advisory Group; and of the Market in Crisis Advisory Committee, we have a well-established and recognized expertise in emergency cash transfer and market based programming.
We believe that cash and market based solutions are not just the new trend in the sector but really has the potential to change the way we deliver aid in general. Through evaluations, tools and guidance development as well as capacity strengthening, we are committed to ensure high quality projects are designed and delivered.

We are committed to quality, people-centered humanitarian evaluations that inform future programming while contributing to better accountability.
Our team can deliver evaluations ranking from qualitative evaluations using participatory methods to large-scale quantitative surveys using mobile data collection. And we love nothing more than being able to combine both, be it for project level exercises or meta evaluation!
We are a member of the European and French Evaluation Society, and works in close proximity with ALNAP, as part of the technical reference group that developed the ALNAP guidelines “Evaluating Humanitarian Action”.
Learning Lab
In such a rapidly changing landscape, we are committed to accompany humanitarian practitioners and organizations along their learning curve. Learning in the humanitarian sector is still too often limited to the traditional face to face in a room training. At Key Aid Consulting, we assess the needs of organisations and individuals, agree on a learning journey and then design and deliver innovative solutions such as blended or e-learning so as to make the most out of the time you dedicate to in a room training (if any).
Our trainers combine field experience with a deep understanding of adult learning principles.
As our appetite for learning is insatiable, we also engage in research, mostly around cash and market based programming. By contributing to building the body of evidence, we believe practitioners will be better placed to equally consider cash and market based programming alongside other type of programming. Our research expertise ranks from solid and rigorous systematic review with well recognized academic institutions to the gathering of expert opinions to build standards.
As such, we are actively involved in the revision of the Sphere Standards.

Our geographies
We have the capacity to deploy and undertake projects in the most challenging environments thanks to our large expert network as well as our robust and trusted systems and processes ensuring high quality and strong duty of care.