Final Evaluation of the Innovative Approaches to Response Preparedness Programme (IARP)


The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC), implemented a five-year programme called ‘Innovative Approaches in Response Preparedness’ (IARP) in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. The programme aimed to reduce the impact of climate change on vulnerable populations by employing Forecast-based Actions (FbA), Data Preparedness (DP), and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). The goal was to set up an Anticipatory Action system to deliver cost-efficient and well-targeted assistance to vulnerable populations facing potential climate-related disasters, through a countrywide Forecast Based Action system. The main objective of this evaluation was to assess the IARP programme and generate recommendations for future disaster risk reduction efforts by the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement (RCRM) and other relevant stakeholders. To achieve the objectives, Key Aid Consulting employed a qualitative approach relying on a variety of primary and secondary data sources and data collection methods including 48 semi-structured key informant interviews with key stakeholders including NLRC staff, National Society staff, project partners and government representatives, 44 focus group discussions with project participants and volunteers in the three countries and the review of key project documents.


The Netherlands Red Cross


Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda

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