Meta Evaluation – Welt Hunger Hilfe
Key Aid Consulting conducted a meta-evaluation for WHH in 2022/2023. The overall objective was to improve the evaluation system set in place by WHH, including standards, instruments and practices and generate recommendations on improving WHH evaluation practice at country office and head office level. To achieve the objectives, KAC conducted a systematic desk review of 108 documents (41 evaluation reports and associated inception reports and ToRs) against a quality appraisal checklist devised by KAC and reviewed by WHH. Findings from the desk review were explored further during 13 Key Informants interviews and 4 digital consultation workshops with WHH staff and external evaluators across all countries to draw out key evaluation drivers of quality and best practices. The process ended with a 3-hour workshop to co-create recommendations and devise action plans with WHH MEAL experts.
Welt Hunger Hilfe