CALP Online Training – Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff
Learn more about our 12-week CALP Training
About the course
The CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff course is a 12-week online training for programme staff responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring cash and voucher assistance programmes.
This course is structured around the project cycle and covers the key skills required to prepare, design, implement and monitor cash and voucher assistance. It is focused on a technical/programmatic perspective and incorporates examples and case studies from multiple sectors.
This online course is equivalent to taking CALP’s 5-day face to face training course of the same name, and it carries the same certification.
This CALP-Certified course is delivered in English.
Course objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Understand how CVA is guided by key policies, standards and guidelines
- Describe how CVA needs to be integrated into the roles of different teams throughout the project cycle
- Explain what assessment information is needed to inform response analysis
- Use market information to inform modality choice
- Understand how CVA can contribute to response objectives
- Identify the information needed for monitoring and evaluation of CVA
- Identify how collaboration and coordination support quality CVA
Your Trainers
Your trainers will be certified CALP trainers offering a wide diversity of experience, background and sectoral skills.
Who should attend?
Humanitarian practitioners with an interest in cash-assistance alongside previous experience in emergency response design, implementation and monitoring. The course is relevant across sectors, functions and seniority levels.
Course structure
Working alongside a cohort of other CVA professionals, you will learn via an engaging mix of videos, e-learning, online workshops, group activities, written assignments and peer to peer learning.
The course is made up of a number of different components, including self-directed learning, that you can access at any time, such as short e-learning courses, videos, reading and key resources, as well as facilitated components, such as 6 live online workshops, group tasks and activities and peer-to-peer learning.
There are 6 topics in this course which follow the project cycle to support learning around CVA in a structured manner. While most of the self-directed learning is available for free to anyone at any time, the workshops and assessments are only available to learners that have applied for and been accepted onto a cohort for this course.
The course takes 12 weeks to complete, with an expected level of effort of 3 hours of learning per week. Please note that this is an average and some weeks may require slightly more or less time to complete all of the elements.
There are 3 check-in weeks built into the course to allow you to catch up if you have fallen behind on the self-directed learning and reading, as well as a final review week at the end. Attendance at the facilitated workshops is mandatory to complete the course and receive a CALP certificate.
The course agenda is as follow:

Technology required
The course is hosted on Kaya , an online learning platform from the Humanitarian Leadership Academy, and you will need an account to access the course (this is free, but you need to register on the site to use it).
You will also need access to an internet connection, and a computer to complete the activities online and to join the online workshops, which will be held via Zoom.
Training cost is 500 Euros.
The fees are inclusive of all training resources: individualized virtual support for logging and for accessing Kaya e-learning platform pre, during and after the course, learner guide, recording of the live workshops, unlimited access to the offline content, CALP certification upon successful completion of the course.
Early bird discount: pay up to six weeks prior to the training start date and get a 10% discount.
Individuals funding themselves and individuals working with non for profit organisations with an annual budget lower than 1,5 millions Euros will each be offered a 20% discount (not cumulative with the early bird rate).
Registration details
As an individual, you can register for one of our training by choosing a session via one of the links on this page.
As an organization, if you want to organize a Key Aid training, please contact us at