Cash Feasibility study of an agricultural revival project in the Dibaya Territory, Central Kasai Province
Cash & Market
Since November 2021 and until February 2023, Humanité et Inclusion (HI) is implementing in consortium with Action Contre la Faim (ACF) a project, financed by BHA, entitled “Response to emergency food security through nutrition-sensitive agricultural recovery and food assistance activities in Kasai province (Kamonia territory) and Central Kasai province (Dibaya territory)”. This project targets 8,750 households, 4,750 of which are covered by HI, with food and nutrition distribution activities, transfers of productive assets to the beneficiaries of the agriculture component, as well as rapid training of beneficiaries in agricultural techniques through demonstration plots and the holding of awareness-raising sessions on nutrition. This study aimed to support HI in the choice of intervention modalities for this response and to orientate the agricultural practices and strategies to be promoted. The methodology of the study was based on a mixed approach consisting of interviews with key informants and market actors (20 in total), focus groups with community members in the area (14 focus groups bringing together 203 participants, 90 of whom were women), a survey on knowledge, attitudes and practices related to agriculture (100 households consulted) and a workshop for reflection and design of the project with the HI teams.
Given the access and functionality of the markets and the preferences of the beneficiaries, the use of cash transfers for agricultural recovery does not seem feasible and relevant. Given the mistrust of the communities and part of the traders towards the voucher modality and the lack of experience of HI in this matter (as well as the tight timeframe of the project), the consultants recommend the distribution of agricultural inputs and farming tools in kind. The issue of transporting beneficiaries with mobility difficulties will then have to be considered carefully, as in-kind distributions will require beneficiaries to carry the delivered quantities to their homes. However, the introduction of commodity vouchers accompanied by market strengthening measures may also be feasible and appropriate in furthering the goal of community resilience.
Humanité et Inclusion (HI), Action Contre la Faim (ACF)
Democratic Republic of Congo