Developing GOAL Market Analysis Toolbox

Cash & Market

To strenghten GOAL emergency market analysis capacity, Key Aid Consulting developed a market analysis toolkit to support good practices in market analysis and enable donor compliant modality decision making.

The GOAL market analysis toolkit can be used to inform programme decisions related to:

  • The most appropriate modality for emergency response;
  • The relevance of supporting or changing the local market: (i) after the crisis to promote recovery and/or using the local market to deliver the response; or (ii) prior to the crisis to strengthen market access and/or functionality, so that it can better withstand shocks; and
  • Indicators to integrate into monitoring and early warning systems to pre-empt upcoming crisis.

Based on a review of GOAL’s need and existing market analysis tools, Key Aid suggested an adaptation of the Multi Sector Market Analysis with an emphasis on gender and protection. The toolkit was then presented to GOAL’s teams in English, French and Spanish during live sessions.





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