Evaluation to the Joint ADH Appeal for Cyclone Idai in Mozambique
Key Aid Consulting recently completed with Cremildo the evaluation of ADH’s response to Cyclone Idai in Mozambique. The activities covered included the sectors of non-food items; livelihoods support; WASH; education sector shelter and infrastructure and disaster risk reduction; and health in Sofala Province, in Beira, Dondo and Nhamatanda Districts. The objective of this evaluation was to identify the extent to which MOs considered Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability commitments 4 (“Communities and people affected by crisis know their rights and entitlements, have access to information and participate in decisions that affect them”) and 5 (“Communities and people affected by crisis have access to safe and responsive mechanisms to handle complaints”) in the design and implementation of their programmes. A mixed-methods approach was employed which combined KIIs and FGDs conducted in Mozambique and remotely, an online survey, and a desk review.
The report is available here.