External evaluation of emergency food assistance activities and review of complaints and feedback management mechanisms in CAR
In January 2024, Solidarités International commissioned Key Aid Consulting to conduct an external evaluation of the post-RRM food assistance activities implemented by SI in the CAR and the Complaints and Feedback Mechanisms (CFM) of SI and ACF, as part of a BHA-funded consortium. The evaluation aimed to assess the relevance and effectiveness of the food distribution activities, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the CFMs of both organizations, and provide recommendations for improving food assistance projects and their CFMs in CAR. The Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) was used as the evaluation framework, with its commitments deemed most suitable for addressing the evaluation questions. The evaluation was conducted from February to June 2024. The methodology employed a mixed-methods approach, including a desk review, 18 key informant interviews, and 10 focus group discussions with project beneficiaries.
Solidarités International
Central African Republic