Final evaluation of the WATAD Project in Lebanon
Key Aid Consulting completed the final evaluation of the Work Acceleration in Tripoli towards Advancement and Development (WATAD) project in Lebanon. This business development project was implemented by Ruwwad Al Tanmeya over a four year period (2019 – 2023) and funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD). The aim of the project was to improve the socioeconomic conditions of the vulnerable populations in neighbourhoods of Tripoli by supporting the local economy through support of existing businesses, strengthening the capacity of Ruwwad AL Tanmeya and improving social cohesion between communities . Key Aid evaluated the project according to the DAC criteria, focusing on relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability, using a mixed approach. The evaluation included interviews with 18 key informants, 12 focus groups with beneficiaries and 29 field visits to MSMEs and 56 surveys with beneficiaries. Results were triangulated with secondary quantitative and qualitative data provided by Ruwwad and AFD. Recommendations were drawn up in conjunction with the two organizations in order to enlighten the future programmation and partnerships between actors.
Agence Française de Developpment (AFD)