Labour market assessment to explore untapped economic opportunities in Gaza for NRC
NRC commissioned Key Aid Consulting (KAC) to work on a labour market assessment (LMA) to explore untapped economic opportunities in Gaza. The first part of the LMA consisted of a mapping of current livelihoods programmes being implemented in Gaza and a desk review to identify which economic sectors are the most promising ones. Based on the results of the first part and in discussion with NRC, the second part of the LMA explored the challenges and opportunities of the digital sector in Gaza. For the first part of the LMA, the consultants collected data from a desk review, three round tables and six key informant interviews. For the second part of the LMA, the consultants relied on a documents review and a field mission in which 30 key informant interviews (KIIs) with relevant digital actors and 10 focus group discussions (FGDs) with the youth were conducted. The results of the LMA were presented and discussed in a remote presentation with NRC.