Value for Money assessment of the UCC Program in Ukraine


The Ukraine Cash Consortium (UCC) composed of Mercy Corps, People in Need, and local civil society organizations delivered emergency basic needs cash assistance while enhancing the protection environment for approximately 320,000 internally displaced people (IDPs), returnees and other conflict-affected people in Ukraine. Key Aid Consulting conducted the Value for Money (VFM) analysis of the Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) component of the UCC program in Ukraine.

The analysis provides context and program specific findings but also contribute to the overall body of evidence on the value for money of cash assistance :

  • Modality flexibility was instrumental in enhancing the program’s efficiency, effectiveness, and equity. Diversity in delivery mechanisms further improved equity.
  • Multi Purpose Cash Assistance as the default modality maximized cost- and time-efficiency.
  • The transfer value was limited in regards to the needs, which hampered effectiveness
  • Partnership with national NGOs enhanced program effectiveness through local knowledge and complementary services, but reduced efficiency at the start of the program as a result of time-consuming award negotiations with International organisations.


Mercy Corps



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